“If you listen to birds, every day will have a song in it.” – Kyo Maclear
Yellow-throated Warbler 01. Hill Country, Texas
Black-throated Sparrows. Southeast Arizona
Painted Bunting. Hill Country, Texas
Golden-cheeked Warbler + Fledgling. Hill Country, Texas
Violet-green Swallow. Taos, New Mexico
Tufted Flycatcher. Big Bend National Park, Texas
Cedar Waxwing. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Prothonotary Warbler 01. Bocas del Toro, Panama
Marsh Wren 01. Ruby Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Vermillion Flycatcher. Eastern New Mexico
Northern Parula. Nashville, Tennessee
White-crowned Sparrows 01. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Townsend’s Warbler. Taos, New Mexico
Painted Bunting 03. Hill Country, Texas
Golden-crowned Kinglet 01. Humboldt County, California
Blue Tit 01. Switzerland
Golden-cheeked Warbler Male. Hill Country, Texas
Barn Swallow 01. Hill Country, Texas
Northern Cardinal Male. Hill Country, Texas
Green Honeycreeper. Asa Wright, Trinidad
Brown-capped Rosy Finch. Northern New Mexico
Crested Tit 01. Switzerland
Eurasian Jay 01. Switzerland
Northern Cardinal Female. Nashville, Tennessee
Wilson’s Warbler 02. Taos, New Mexico
Golden-crowned Kinglet 02. Humboldt County, California
Black-capped Vireo. Hill Country, Texas
Loggerhead Shrike. Southern Idaho
Indigo Bunting. Hill Country, Texas
Yellow-rumped Warbler. College Station, Texas
Canada Jay. Taos, New Mexico
Blue-black Grosbeak. Bocas del Toro, Panama
White-beared Manakin. Asa Wright, Trinidad and Tobago
Painted Bunting 02. Hill Country, Texas
Blue-capped Manakin. Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Golden-collared Manakin. Bocas del Toro, Panama
Rock Wren. Ruby Mountains, Nevada
Dark-eyed/Pink-sided Junco. Southeast Arizona
Mexican Jay. Big Bend National Park, Texas
Tennessee Warbler. Nashville, Tennessee
Pine Warbler. College Station, Texas
Rusty Blackbird. Starkville, Mississippi
Cedar Waxwings. Southeast Arizona
Golden-cheeked Warbler + Fledgling 02. Hill Country, Texas
Blue Jay. College Station, Texas
Wilson’s Warbler. Taos, New Mexico
Prothonotary Warbler 02. Bocas del Toro, Panama
White-crowned Sparrows 02. Big Bend National Park, Texas
Pine Siskin. Taos, New Mexico
Red-throated Tanager. Bocas del Toro, Panama
Green-tailed Towhee. Taos, New Mexico
Black-throated Sparrow. Southeast Arizona
Barn Swallow 02. Hill Country, Texas
Blue-headed Vireo. Hill Country, Texas
Purple Honeycreeper. Asa Wright, Trinidad and Tobago
Painted Bunting Female. Hill Country, Texas
Green Jay. South Texas
White-crowned Sparrow. Southeast Arizona